After a long break (and a big life change—hello, motherhood!), I’m thrilled to be back at Resin Melody with exciting updates! I’ve expanded my sewing adventures beyond dolls and discovered a love for creating bags for humans—and soon, about 20 handcrafted styles will be available on the site. Don’t worry, doll clothes, wigs, and accessories aren’t going anywhere—this is just a fun new chapter, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Category: Sewing

Creativity and Timing
So do you ever find that your spark of creativity peaks at the most inopportune time?
I do. All. The. Time. *sigh*
Right now is actually one of those times…
Ever since my husband and I moved from the Chicago area to Minnesota, we have basically been living in one room. This has been crazy, yes, but not all bad.
The biggest struggle has been finding space to be creative while still being able to live in peace.
Over Memorial Day weekend, I was able to get our space more organized in order to be more productive. Yay!
While organizing, I came across some fabric I received from a friend (hi Chris!) who was more than happy to get it off her hands… Apparently she was not fond of the pattern? I love it!
And I just knew it would make a super cute sundress.
I’m thinking it’ll be really cute with an orange sweater/jacket/cardigan. I’m not sure exactly what I’ll put over it, but I think I have orange knit that will blend the flowers and lace together.
Going through some of my fabrics, I also came across this fantastic pale blue & white paisley/lace print fabric I snagged from my grandmother’s stash several years ago. I think it will also make super cute sundresses with a white or off-white lace trim.
How adorable will that be? I mean, seriously – so cute!
Except… I’m leaving for my niece’s graduation tomorrow morning. And I will be gone for a week.
Creativity = yes! Timing = no! Darn it!

College Savings Dolls – Clothes!
I mostly sew for BJDs, but when a dear friend of mine asked me to sew for her new line of dolls, I couldn’t wait to get started.
College Savings Dolls are wonderful dolls with realistic body proportions. Check out their site as well. 😀
In preparation for the Chicago Toy and Game fair, she requested career-based clothes for the girls.
I started out with a fairly basic skirt and sweater, and then created the sundress and cardigan. I’ll also be working on nurse and doctor scrubs.
College Savings Dolls
A friend of mine had a fantastic idea of creating dolls with realistic proportions for girls to play with. Not only are the dolls part of the play, but the idea behind it all is also promoting saving for their college education.
College Savings Dolls says it best right on their website. One doll with two big ideas!
I’m honored to have been asked to create some of the career clothing and additional outfits as prototypes. Unfortunately, these first rounds of clothing need to be done this week – so it’s going to be a fairly quick turn around.
I’m hoping I can use some of my existing patterns for BJDs, but if not, at least I can modify them. 🙂 Look for pictures later in the week – hoping for a few quick pieces to be whipped up.
In the mean time – a couple quick pictures of the dolls themselves. Loving them and I totally can’t wait to see them for sale on the market!
Virtual Sewing Meets!
I participate in virtual sewing meets hosted on Tiny Chat, and found out about them through Den of Angels. Unfortunately, DoA has decided to remove the “Links Out” subforum, and place the links in their wiki. That being the case, I thought I’d post an update here in case people want to join us.
Password: bjdint
Basically, it’s an online chatroom with a webcam option available.
If anybody wants to join in the chat, feel free! People come and go throughout the day, so if there’s nobody online when you join the room, stick around. Chances are, someone will be along shortly.
In all honesty, there’s no requirement to be sewing or have a webcam. It’s just an option. 😉
Questions? Let me know! If I can’t answer them, I can always ask someone who is more knowledgeable and get back to you.
~ Tiarah =^.^=