If you know me from the ball-jointed doll (BJD) community, you’ve probably noticed my love for restringing dolls—I’ll jump at any excuse to do it! Over the years, I’ve tested countless tools and narrowed it down to my top three essentials (elastic included). They’re affordable, effective, and get the job done, though they might not be everyone’s favorites. I’ll also share a few popular tools that didn’t work for me and why they didn’t make the cut. Let’s dive in!
Category: Customizations

New Video: Restringing RS Mei
I’m restringing my RS Mei! The video is a bit long, but there is no time-lapse and no voice-over! Each step is fully explained to help you feel comfortable restringing your own ball-jointed doll. Not sure what size elastic you need? Cool Cat has an awesome size chart! Check out the full post for more useful links!

New Video: DollZone Moon Dragon – Speed Cleaning!
I am working on cleaning and restoring a DollZone Moon dragon I was fortunate to get from the large estate auction in the Chicagoland area last fall. This video is step 1 of that process.
What color should I make him/her when I do the painting/blushing?
Tools I Used:
Mr. Clean MagicEraser Extra Durable (paid link): https://amzn.to/3cGWcz6
Melamine Sponge (Mr. Clean alternative) (paid link): https://amzn.to/2OPwBMv
Windsor & Newton Brush Cleaner and Restorer (paid link): https://amzn.to/2P2sXP4
Pipe Cleaners (paid link): https://amzn.to/3eULTtO/
Dish Soap: Use whatever dish soap you normally use, but stay away from ones that are moisturizing or have added lotion.
Website: https://www.resinmelody.com/
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BJD Restringing Tutorial – Single-Jointed MSD – Step by Step Walkthrough
Join me as I walk through the process of how to restring a BJD! My model is a Volks MSD F-04 – a single-jointed BJD.
The video is a bit long, but there is no time lapse and no voice over! Each step is fully explained to help you feel comfortable restringing your own ball-jointed doll.
Not sure what size elastic you need? Cool Cat has an awesome size chart!
Pipe Cleaners (paid link) – https://amzn.to/3eAokTW
Rattail Silk/Nylon Cord (paid link) – https://amzn.to/3ezouL6
Elastic – http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=ac_4&Category=158911
Dollmore Restringing Tool – http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=822&b_code=B20050603012757&c_code=C20050607065830
Volks Restringing Tool (SD) – https://volksusastore.com/webstores/dollfie/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=290
Volks Restringing Tool (MSD) – https://volksusastore.com/webstores/dollfie/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=284
Hemostat (paid link) – https://amzn.to/2YCNrPl
The Video: MSD Restringing Tutorial

Dye Removal Process on Elfdoll Soah
I originally posted this on my LiveJournal ten years ago (10!! omg it’s been 10 years!) when I had the opportunity to purchase an Elfdoll Soah from a friend who had sent her out to be dyed. When he got her back, the dye job was extremely uneven and streaky.
At the time, I had been wanting a Soah for years and the opportunity was just too good to pass up. So I jumped! …. haha, that’s a lie… I grabbed her up so fast it would have made your head spin!
I didn’t know quite what I was getting into, though.
Unfortunately, when it came to record-keeping, I didn’t fully think things through. When I received her, I didn’t have her in my apartment for more than 5 minutes before I started the process of removing the purple dye. That means I only have photos of purple-dyed doll parts rather than the full doll.
Apologies in advance for the size of the photos. Keep in mind, this was originally posted in 2009, and posted images were a lot smaller back then…
Streaky Purple Doll Parts
The dye job was so uneven and streaky over her entire body and face. I only have a couple of pictures of some of the body parts showing just how bad it was – but imagine this over the entire doll!

The Scrubbing Process
A friend of mine came over and we started the dye removal process by soaking her in Windsor & Newton Brush Cleaner and Restorer and using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to scrub her down. Surprisingly, this (along with elbow grease!) actually took off most of the dye!

Mostly Cleaned Head + Dyed Body Parts

Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding

Dye Removal Complete!
After much scrubbing and sanding, and even more sanding and scrubbing, she was declared done! There was still purple dye inside her stringing channels that we couldn’t reach, but overall, she came out looking fabulous!