For the past year or so, my husband and I have been on quite the journey. We’re still here and we’re still alive!
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the direction Resin Melody has been going and what I would eventually like it to be. That means there will be some pretty big updates taking place over the next several months.
Resin Melody as a blog will be shifting focus. Less about me, my sewing, and my own dolls… More about BJDs in general, the community, what’s new, and resources.
I will be shifting my personal blogging to a new site, but I haven’t decided on a domain yet. Shop updates will still happen here, though.
Which leads me to…
Resin Melody as a shop is still alive and kicking. We are on Etsy right now, but there are big plans for more this year!
I’m really excited for the upcoming changes!
If there is anything specific you would like to see, please let me know!